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Mistie Thompson

Sweet Tea Communications​


Chief Scribe + Creative Mastermind


In her ten years at St. Louis-based reputation management firm Standing Partnership, Mistie provided strategic marketing program development; video concepting, writing and directing; crisis communications counsel; professional writing services; and digital communications strategy to clients from a variety of industries, including: Sisters of Mercy, Ranken Jordan Pediatric Specialty Hospital, Monsanto, TWA/American Airlines, Maritz, the Charlottesville-Albemarle (Va.) Airport and a major pharmaceutical company. For someone who loves an adventure and is always looking to learn something new, Mistie’s time at Standing Partnership was enjoyable and successful, as evident in her rise from account executive to vice president. 

Mistie’s favorite client moment involved finding 200 yards of red carpet, and a delivery truck to drop it off at an airport hangar, in under two hours while planning the American Airlines buyout VIP celebration for TWA. That event also allowed her to learn how to perfectly arrange a water cannon salute for a 747 (a handy skill she’s anxiously looking forward to using again), and how to squeeze 15 dignitaries on a stage built for ten without resulting in a single injury – to them or to her. Through her client adventures, Mistie has also learned how to cup coffee, intubate a robot simulator “patient” and start up a bulldozer – although she never quite mastered the stopping part.

Many exciting clients and two children later, though, Mistie was ready for a change. While sipping her favorite beverage one day, she decided to create a communications firm where corporate jargon was banned, conversations were key and Southern charm was back in vogue and more powerful than ever. Thus, Sweet Tea Communications was born. And, with clients signed even before the paint was dry (finger paints, of course, from Mistie’s two little girls), business leaders lined up to captivate their customers, employees and friends with Sweet Tea.

Since that time, Sweet Tea has spearheaded strategic marketing communications across a number of industries, including politics, higher education, entertainment and health care – all from word-of-mouth referrals by satisfied clients. Mistie also has added to her family’s bowl of little lemon wedges, giving birth to a son at Christmas 2010. Mistie is humbled by and grateful for the enormous success of Sweet Tea, and she’s looking forward to seeing which exciting clients next want to kick back and plan marketing success on Sweet Tea’s veranda.

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